The Morito Group started out in Osaka in 1908 as a wholesaler of eyelets and hooks. Over the past 115 years, this business that began with eyelets, hooks, and shoelaces has expanded into well beyond its humble beginnings.
Many of the small parts we handle go into the products you use every day. We are continually looking for ways to make our products more innovative and easier to use so that they are just right, and the people around the world who use them don’t have to think twice about them. In recent years, we have been promoting new businesses that make "the genuine article," i.e., value-added products that also address environmental issues, such as products made from old fishing nets or a way to make paper from synthetic fiber scrap.
Today we face not only environmental issues, but also a host of social problems that must be tackled head-on. In October 2022, we established a sustainability committee with an eye to improving our organizational structure. The committee is working to stay ahead of the curve with initiatives aimed at forging a sustainable society, as its stays on an express track toward stable operations. On top of that, we have completed the Morito Group’s key management task of identifying material issues and will implement systematic measures to address them.
Going forward, we will draw on the expertise of our managers to chart a course to sustainability. We will continue to bolster initiatives designed to boost social value while striving to increase economic value with an eye to creating shared value (CSV) for the entire Morito Group.
Takaki Ichitsubo, Representative Director and CEO, Morito Co., Ltd.